Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Mapping Tweetchat #caschat over a week

Using looked at the use of a particular weekly tweetchat hashtag #caschat over a one week period 16th March 2016 to 22nd March 2016. The chat happened on 22nd March 2016 discussing Robots in Teaching.

The table above (and the graph below) give an indication on the active use of the hashtag during the week, along with the level of engagement from others shown in the influence score.

 The above figure shows all those who used the hashtag or were referred to in tweets using the hashtag during the week. A large central group and smaller outlier groups.

Focusing of the central group, I would suggest there is different behaviours occurring. One of which  in the centre there is a central discussion very interconnected; apart from this there may be spun off conversations happening as well. The 'leaves' on the outside are mostly likely to people being mentioned but with some evidence that some then get involved.

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