Monday, 7 September 2015

opinion: Use of free mindmapping tools

Figure. 1

As part of the two modules involving research methods I have been 'playing' with mindmaps in the class to capture the discussion. Figure 1 above was taken from a classroom discussion around some of the issues within a project idea that the group was working on. The tool used is the free on-line tool .

Figure 2
Figure 2 shows the tool. Is it the best mindmapping tool out there? I think it is fair to say it isn't, I have some paid ones installed that offer a greater range of features. It was selected as it is-
  • Online;
  • Free;
  • Simple to use;
At the end of the session I wanted to the students to have the final map we had produced together so only having an image of the map was fine.

All views are the authors, and may not reflect the views of any organisation the author is connected with in any way.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Screen-o-matic a free video tool

Apart from it's name (Screencast-o-matic) I really like this piece of video screen capture software. Even though (or especially as) it is a  free bit of software it has some very nice features:

- you choose capture the screen either through a downloaded app or through a link on the site (i.e. no download needed)
- When the cursor is moving you get a large yellow circle surrounding it and it clear where it is. Which is great for demonstrating software in a video.
- When you left click the mouse you get a brief blue blob on the screen next to the cursor to show a click has occurred. Again, great when demonstrating software.
- you get up to 15 minutes per recording.
- several videos formats are possible.
- it is easy to use.
- last and certainly not least it is free.

On the free version you get across the bottom of the screen, but in my view that is easy to live with and doesn't really distract from the content.

As a complementary tool to use alongside software such as Panopto this is a very nice tool.

The software can be found at:

I would be interested in receiving comments from others on other similar pieces of software.